Oyez Home Automation
Secure your home with Secured Door Locks, Intrusion Alarm System, Burglar Alarm System, LPG leakage Detection System, Smoke or Fire Alarm System, CCTV System, Perimeter or Compound Security.
Oyez Home Automation provides the primary solution on a retrofit basis i.e. no need to break the wall or change your existing home setup. Wireless control gives you the freedom of scalability both upward and downward of features and appliances at your convenience. Our focuses in giving you convenience with cost savings. The primary factor is energy consumption and management. Our range of sensor based solutions and thermostat solution & lighting shall take care of better energy savings resulting in your guaranteed ROI (Return On Investment) for you.
Oyez Home Automation
OYEZ Smart Home Automation solution focuses on complementing your lifestyle with Smart Home Solutions than complicating it.
Home Automation is the brand of Oyez Uniserv Private Limited. Smart Home Solution services include control of lighting, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning), TV / home theatre, distributed audio, security & surveillance, motorised curtains and blinds, Home Appliances & Garden. HomeAutomat integrate these systems with a wireless network to give you simple & complete control. Home Automation offer solutions on a project basis for new home or on a retrofit mode for the existing homes.